Chemical exposure is usually the last thing parents think about when laying their little angels down for a nap. But did you know that exposure to questionable chemicals should be a major concern, especially for newborn babies who are very susceptible to their harmful effects? This is not to say that conventional mattresses should be avoided at all costs, but being precautious is always best when it comes to your baby's health. It's really no wonder why many concerned parents are switching to organic crib mattresses. While they are more expensive than conventional mattresses, their benefits to the health and safety of your young one are invaluable.
Other types of mattresses many contain an entire host of harmful chemicals like flame retardants, which may be carcinogenic and may cause different types of health problems like thyroid, reproductive and endocrine system disruption. Conventional mattresses may also contain phthalates and vinyl, and other harmful chemicals.
Because babies spend much more of their day in bed (sleeping or otherwise), they are especially at risk of being exposed to these harmful chemicals. Even when the hours they spend away from their mattresses may also leave them exposed to the same chemicals, because such off-gassing from the mattress into the air can collect in dust on different surfaces as well as on the floor, where young children usually spend much of their time. Raising the risk of their direct exposure to chemicals is their hand-to-mouth behavior, which is inevitable with very young kids.
The best organic baby crib mattresses are generally made out of natural rubber (latex), organic wool and organic cotton. Of the many benefits of using organic mattresses in baby cribs and nursery beds, the following are standouts:
• Organic mattresses have natural hypoallergenic properties, therefore reducing the risks of babies getting exposed to chemicals that may cause them to develop different kinds of allergic symptoms and other health issues.
• Organic mattresses also benefit the baby's lungs, allowing your little angel to breathe more freely and more easily. The chemicals in conventional mattresses are not inert, meaning, they continue to change and react when exposed to microbes and other chemicals. As these mattresses degrade, they give off toxic fumes that your baby might breathe in, affecting lung function. Organic mattresses reduce this risk.
• Lastly, organic mattresses conform to weather changes, keeping your baby cool when temperatures are high and warm as the temperature drops. Wool, the natural material from which most organic mattresses are made of, is a natural insulator, which makes this unique capability possible.
Source: Leora Hornick
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